MIC2025 (Made in China 2025)
Connections to other Concepts
- IMSA (Intelligent Manufacturing System Architecture) can be considered an intermediate result
Short Description
- Made in China 2025 is a strategic plan of the Chinese government from May 2015.
- An initiative to comprehensively upgrade China's manufacturing sector, inspired by Germany's Industrie 4.0, among other things
- The domestic manufacturing sector is to be modernized and reach an advanced level by 2025. Beyond MIC 2025, further milestones are planned. The goal is to reach a medium-class level by 2035 and a world-class level by 2049, eventually catching up with leading industrialized nations
- The goal is to restructure the entire industry to make it more competitive internationally. The focus is primarily on quality and efficiency
Facts and Figures
- Founded in May 2015
Use Cases
- Within the framework of MIC 2025, 10 key sectors have been defined in which major breakthroughs are to be achieved and dependencies on foreign countries are to be reduced:
- Machinery for agriculture
- Shipbuilding and marine technology
- Energy saving and electromobility
- New generation information and communication technologies
- High-end controlled machine tool systems and robotics technology
- Electricity equipment
- Aerospace equipment
- New materials
- Advanced equipment for rail transport
- Biomedicine and high-performance medical equipment
Industry Sectors
- Cross-sector strategic plan
International Distribution
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