MESA B2MML (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association Business to Manufacturing Markup Language)
Connections to other Concepts
- Defines ISA-95 XML and JSON implementation
Short Description
- Defines an XML implementation of the data structures defined in ISA-95 for the integration of business and control systems.
Facts and Figures
- First released in 2002 as version 1.0, current version 7.0 released in 2020.
- Includes XML implementations of IEC 61512 (ISA-88) and ISO 22400 KPI specification
- Published by MESA international (Manufacturing Enterprise Soloutions Association)
- Technology Partners: Rockwell Automation, Siemens, Aveva, Yokogawa
Use Cases
- Exchange of production schedules and production responses
- Exchange of work orders and work responses
- Exchange of production capability
- Exchange of recipes and batch records
- Exchange of KPIs
Industry Sectors
Discrete, Process, and Batch Manufacturing
International Distribution
Google Trends
- https:/